Friday, October 17, 2008


In some ways, however small and secret, each of us wants a little room to breathe, to get out of life's weariness. Everyone of us is lonely at bottom, and still we cry to be understood. But we cannot entirely understand someone else, and each of us remains part stranger even to those who love us. No matter how we withdraw ourselves to the people who we thought would never appreciate us, we still yearn to be with them. We can never entirely separate our fiber with society's, it will always belong to where it belongs at some point. Let me reiterate an adage: "no man is an island". We don't want to be alone for the entireity of our lives. We can't smile, cry, sing and rejoice alone. We need the people, who may not fully understand us, but somehow will give us the idea that we won't grow behind walls. Trees don't grow without sunlight, neither will we, without the companionship of people close to us, or the people who we allow to etch an influence in our lifes. Quote and quote Aristotle, man is a social being. For almost 2000 years after he said that, man still remains a social being, yearning to be with people, to interact, to enjoy the company of society. What is life without the frolic of companionship?Life's beauty lies with our journey of hello's and goodbye's.
We don't only need the company of society, we also need someone who will guide us, to keep us in check. Without someone whou would ring the bell when we're noisy, we'd all be in shambles. Saint Augustine once expressed that man is restless without God. We can only attain peace in God alone. Serenity could not be attained by merely picking pebbles on the way home, it is something acquired through God. God can giveth, and God can taketh. He can give us calm amidst a storm, He can also take it away. God is the authority that gives us the things we need, rather than what we want, but still remains anonymous. He so love us that He gave the answers to His questions, we just need to encircle the letter of our choice. He so wanted us to be better persons that whenever we pray, instead of giving us directly the solution, He gives us oppurtunities. We are frankly just nothing without God.
The road to man's happiness is not ultimately the road less travelled, sometimes it is the road where everybody else is taking. Sometimes the horizon is so clear, we tend to overburden things; in simplicity lies our content. It's really up to us to bring this authenticity, this simplicity, this unburdened clarity into our looking. We are a very complex, yet a very simple specie, we just need to be with others and God to understand "US" better.

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